Self Care in College: The Ultimate Guide

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College is known as “The best four years of your life”. The truth, however, is that college is a stressful time in your life when you have no idea what you’re doing and you feel like an imposter who doesn’t belong. It is a time filled with strict deadlines, new experiences, new people, and lots of pressure. It is no wonder why many college students feel overwhelmed and burnt out. Without taking proper care of yourself, it is impossible to show up as your best self.


It is easy to neglect yourself when events, projects, homework, meetings, and exams are being thrown at you left and right. It is even easier when you have always had someone else do the self care tasks for you or remind you to do it yourself. Hopefully, this list will make it easier for you to take time to do something kind for yourself.



Physical self care is oftentimes the easiest to monitor, but it isn’t always the easiest to stay on top of. After all, binging netflix shows and eating junk food all day sounds way better than meal planning and working out everyday. While it can be difficult to stay on track, taking care of your physical needs can increase your productivity as well as attendance rates making your time in school significantly less stressful.


  1. Go to the gym
  2. Take a walk outside
  3. Work out in your room
  4. Take the Stairs
  5. Stretch
  6. Play Sports
  7. Go to the Doctor
  8. Eat balanced meals
  9. Make or buy Healthy Snacks
  10. Maintain a sleep schedule
  11. Shower
  12. Drink Water



cleanliness can boost psychological wellbeing

Staying psychologically sharp can be difficult when you have more responsibilities than time in the day. Many psychological self care tasks can take a bit longer to show their effects, which makes it harder to stick to them. Choosing even one or two of these ideas to incorporate into your daily life can help you stay out of that dark place we have all experienced at least once in our lives.


  1. Spend time in nature
  2. Therapy
  3. Spend time with friends
  4. Get involved on campus
  5. Read a book
  6. Take up a hobby
  7. Keep a Growth Mindset
  8. Learn to Cope
  9. Make a Vision Board
  10. Journal
  11. Plan weekend trips
  12. Use warm lighting 
  13. Gratitude Journal
  14. Find a relaxing space to get work done
  15. Visit home
  16. Attend skill building workshops 



girl doing yoga for self care

Even if you are not a religious person, you still need to maintain a state of spiritual self care. You might be wondering what the difference between “spiritual” and “religious” are. Well, spirituality has less to do with a divine ruler and set of rules to live by and more to do with maintaining a state of peace in life. Spirituality is a pivotal point between living a life you dread and living a life you love.


  1. Find a community
  2. Meditate
  3. Yoga
  4. Find a spiritual mentor
  5. Volunteer
  6. Watch the sunrise
  7. Answer self reflection questions
  8. Set daily intentions



Of course, if we are talking about college, it is necessary to mention your academic well being. I know this might not fit the traditional idea of self care at first glance, but let’s dig a little deeper. If you are failing all of your classes and missing all of your deadlines, it’s going to be hard to focus on your overall well being. You might even end up failing out of school. I’m hoping you don’t want that to happen, so here are a few ways you can keep up with your academics.

  1. Plan a schedule that works for you
  2. Take electives in fields that interest you
  3. Plan study time
  4. Study in different locations
  5. Organize your Desk 
  6. Break up study time
  7. Plan ahead
  8. Keep a calendar
  9. Distinguish personal time
  10. Set goals
  11. Have friends in class
  12. Go to class
  13. Bond with professors

If you want to be the do-it-all girl on campus, you are going to have to learn how to take care of yourself. Even if that’s not the goal, you cannot be successful if you don’t even meet your basic needs. Some of my personal favorites tis year have been yoga, bonding with professors, planning study time, getting involved on campus, and walking outside. You don’t have to follow this list to a t, just pick a few favorites!

Creating a plan to take care of your personal needs can be a daunting task.  Sometimes we can feel selfish for putting ourselves first, but as they say, “you can’t help others if you don’t help yourself.” So take the time today to do something kind for yourself.

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